Half Assed Marketing

A non profit endeavor dedicated to eliminating the impact of poverty on health and freedom.

Medically Underserved Liaison

Inspired by the work of thousands of organizations to eliminate poverty and illness, a small group of friends began developing a network of resources to ensure the dignity of those who fall between the cracks of existing services. We hope that by blending community and service we can further improve the lives of thousands who might otherwise not be able or amenable to receive the help they need. Half Assed Marketing is currently looking for volunteers for everything from board positions to helping file paperwork.

Inquire about marketing services

In order to generate stable work and improve the opportunities available in our area, Half Assed Marketing is committed to developing a sliding scale marketing service that can help everyone from a Sole Proprietor to a CEO planning their first national launch, on a budget that is fair and accessible.


Contact Half Assed Marketing

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